Your Must-Try Summer List

Monday Jul 24th, 2023


Summer is the perfect time to live life to the fullest! You are spending your free time making lifelong memories and embarking on exciting adventures! Whether you have just a few weeks or a couple of months, creating a summer bucket list is a fantastic way to ensure you make the most of this vibrant season. In this blog, we'll be outlining 20 ultimate must-try summer activities that you are sure to love and check off your list. Get ready for a summer full of fun, exploration, and relaxation!


Host A Bonfire Night 
One of the best parts of summer is sitting by the fire outside at night with a group of friends. Bring out the ingredients to make smores together and pair it with a fun summer drink to sip on while you relax and look at the stars. 


Sleepover At A Cabin 
A cabin getaway might be just what you need this season! Take a few days to unwind in the woods away from technology with family or friends. This little vacation getting close to nature can help you to reconnect with those you love and de-stress from the routines of daily life. 


Have A Boat Day 
A day on the water sounds like a dream! Nothing but fresh air and sunshine is coming your way! Rent a boat for a few hours from a local marina and enjoy a little R&R seaside! 


Ride A Roller Coaster 
Take a day trip to a local amusement park for a little light-hearted fun! You'll feel like a kid again when you get on a few rides and have a good laugh! Don't forget to indulge in a few delicious fair treats while you are there.


Go To An Outdoor Concert 
Is an artist you love playing an outdoor concert near you this summer? Have fun dancing to your favourite songs and creating unforgettable memories surrounded by amazing upbeat anthems and your best friends! 


Have A Picnic At The Park
Bring out your picnic basket, fill it with fun cutlery, drinks and your favourite snacks! Get dressed up in a fancy summer outfit and make your way to a local park or look-off. Enjoy some quality time with friends in nature with good food! 


Take A Road Trip To A New Destination 
What better way to kick off your summer than with a road trip to a destination you've never been to? Pack your bags, gather your friends or family, and hit the open road. Explore new landscapes, visit historical landmarks, try local cuisines, and create lasting memories.


Watch A Fireworks Show
Plan to watch a firework show in your local area! Bring a blanket and find a comfortable place to sit with a good view and watch the fireworks sore above you! Summer is the only time to capture this magic! 


Take A Walk On The Beach 
Sometimes it's the simple things that bring us the most joy! Head to your favourite beach spot and put your toes in the sand. Go for a stroll and enjoy the view and the breeze in your hair. 


Spend The Whole Afternoon On A Porch Swing 
Unwind and relax with a book that you don't want to put down. Get lost in the pages as you swing and unwind outside in the sunshine on a porch swing, hopefully somewhere with a good view! 


Learn To Surf 
Want to learn a new skill this summer? Try surfing! Get outside in the sunshine and enjoy having a new experience at the summer hot spot, the beach! You'll have a blast laughing as you learn! 


Take A Hike To a Waterfall 
Go searching for waterfalls this summer in your local area! Spend the afternoon hiking to admire a unique part of nature. Wear your bathing suit so you can jump in the waterfall to cool off if it's a hot day! 


Host A Summer-Themed Dinner Party 
Make the most of the fresh fruits and vegetables of the season by trying out new recipes. Experiment with refreshing smoothies, vibrant salads, and delicious barbecue dishes. Then invite your friends over to enjoy them with you! Show them your creative side in the kitchen and savour the flavours of summer.


Go On A Local Food Tour 
Are there a few spots in your area you've been meaning to check out? Spend the day with your friends hoping to restaurants and eateries to try out new dishes, cocktails and atmospheres in your city!


Have A Sandcastle Making Competition 
This isn't your average day at the beach! Invite your friends to bring their shovels and buckets to compete in an epic sandcastle-making competition! Give the winner an awesome trophy as you hail them the sandcastle king! 


Go Cliff Jumping 
Looking for a summer thrill? Jumping from a great height is one way to get your heart pumping! Head to your local look-off and have fun jumping into the water from the biggest rock! 


Make A Bouquet From Wildflowers
Summer brings us beautiful flowers to admire and enjoy every year, sometimes right in our own backyard! Why not take a stroll and forage for a few flowers to add to your home? Bring the beauty of the outdoors in! 


Make Homemade Ice Cream 
Ice cream is a classic summer treat! Instead of going to an ice cream shop, why not make your own custom ice cream at home? Add your favourite flavours and mix-ins to make a flavour unique to you!


Unplug From Technology For The Day
Take the day to detach from technology by turning off all of your devices. Yes, this may be not easy to accomplish, but it has a great payoff! Give your mind a break from the screens and the notifications and do something fun! Get outside and enjoy the summer weather before it is just a memory in the winter! 


Enjoy A Sport Outside 
Take the day to ride your bike, paddle your kayak lakeside, or throw a football around at a local park. Enjoy an afternoon getting lost in a fun summer activity that gives you some healthy exercise and helps you to enjoy the sunshine! 

There you have it – our ultimate summer bucket list filled with 20 adventures and experiences to make your summer unforgettable! Whether you're embarking on a road trip, trying new water sports, or simply having a relaxing beach day, summer is the perfect time to create memories that will last a lifetime. So, get out there and make the most of the best season of the year!

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