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Beat The Boredom Blues

Tuesday Jan 25th, 2022


It's Time To Combat The Boredom Blues Feeling low and stuck in the boredom blues? This time of year can get you down. The shorter days, cold weather, and lack of sun are the perfect recipe for seasonal depression. It can be easy to slip into watching tv all day, excessively cleaning your home, or just the mundane routines of life. Jumping out of the regular everyday pattern can give us joy and perspective in times like these. We have created a fun list of ways to combat boredom,... [read more]

Where Did She Go??

Wednesday Jan 19th, 2022


The mystery of the disappearing client. One day she's here.. the next she's gone! What would you have done if this happened to you?  Find out the story in my newest Youtube video.   Make sure to keep an eye out for my new series of episodes called The Jean Richer Show. A new video is posted every Wednesday! [read more]

Date Night Guide

Wednesday Jan 19th, 2022


Let's Have A Date Night! During the winter months, it can be easy to stay inside. Especially because we live in Ottawa Ontario. The fun daytime dates of skating, and enjoying winter treats can be over quickly given the coldness of the temperatures. That gives us a problem to solve. How can you enjoy a fun and spontaneous date night from the comfort of your home on days when it's too cold to go out? We have created a great list of ways to do just that!... [read more]

Enjoying Winter In Ottawa

Wednesday Nov 17th, 2021


Enjoying Winter In Ottawa Here we go again. We have had our first snowfall of the year, and you know what that means. Another winter season is upon us. Now let's be honest... Ottawa is cold! Some of us cope by hibernating, curled up at home with blankets and movies. Others are all about winter fun, and our city has a lot of it! Let's take a tiny tour of Ottawa's must experience winter activities, to ensure that you do not miss a thing.  Spend the Day... [read more]

Home Organization

Tuesday Nov 23rd, 2021

Home Organization

Home Organization How to stay on top of the chaos Home. It's the space where we can let go and be at peace after a long day. Our homes should be a source of relief. When you come home and are met with clutter and objects everywhere it can completely change your state of mind. Keeping your home organized will save you time cleaning, reduce your stress when looking for household items, and give you a clearer mind without the clutter all around you. Deciding to organize your home is... [read more]

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